All stats are before cotton candies and/or limit break.
Soul king Brook the straw hats undead musician
(25 march 2018)
- Atk: 1350
- HP: 2855
- Rcv: 380
- Combo: 5
- Slots: 5
Cpt. Ab.
Reduces charge time by 2 turns, boosts crew atk by 2x, reduces dmg taken by 20%, heals 1.5x charc's rcv and reduces enemies hp by 10% at end of turn.
Special Ab.
Deals x35 char's atk in dmg to all enemies, heals crew by 2x char's rcv, reduces dmg taken by a certain amount and reduces special charge time by 1 turn, repeat for 3 turns, if the hp of the enemies is below 30% at the end of the turn it KOs them. (dmg goes down each turn, reduction = 60%, 30%, 15%).
Tony Tony Chopper Straw hat's secret monster
(25 march 2018)
- Atk: 1250
- HP: 2600
- Rcv: 400
- Combo: 4
- Slots: 4
Cpt. Ab.
Boosts Fighter and Powerhouse atk by 2.25x and hp by 1.2x.
Special Ab.
Resets Action cd, cuts enemies hp by 25%, for 3 turns crew's atk is boosted by a futher 1.35x, all units atks pass through barriers and chopper transforms into "Arm point". [3.0375x total]
Resets Special ab. cd, Chopper goes into "Rampage" mode, Deals 200x char's atk to one enemy and for 3 turns crew's atk is boosted by a futher 1.65x, makes [TND][RCV] orbs beneficial, randomizes [BLOCK][BOMB] at the beginning of the turn and cuts crew hp by 15% at the beginning of the turn. [3.7125x]
Arm point:
- Atk: 1400
- Hp: 2600
- Rcv: 200
- Atk: 1580
- Hp: 4000
- Rcv: 0
- Atk:
- HP:
- Rcv:
- Combo:
- Slots:
Cpt. Ab.
Special Ab.